Boy 'JJ' - Tiger Lilly's Litter
SOLD (Bridget)
- DOB: Sep.14th 2020
- Ready for his new home on Nov 1st 2020 on.
- AKC registered
- Black Tri Boy
- Rich copper points
- Genetically clear puppy
- Vet health certificate
- current on shots and worming
- Microchipped
- 2 year health guarantee
- Health record and first year health schedule
- puppy starter kit
- updated on 10-28-2020
A non-refundable deposit of $500 reserves your puppy. The full amount due must be paid by the time the puppy is six weeks of age, unless otherwise agreed upon with the breeder. If the remaining balance is not paid by week six, the puppy will be put up for sale again. In that case, your deposit will be applied to the next litter or puppy you select.